Low back pain is one of the most common soft tissue injuries. Majority of the population will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. There are many ways people describe it, as everyone’s pain experience is unique. It can be aching, dull, sharp, shooting, tingling, or throbbing. Low back pain can also cause pain in your hips and down your legs, called “referred pain”.
Low back pain can have a major impact in your life as it causes disability, time off work and financial burden. Even though it can be extremely painful it is rarely associated with serious disease, but early diagnosis and intervention is crucial if symptoms are to settle quickly.
What is involved in a typical lower back physiotherapy session at Physio Ready?
At Physio Ready our physiotherapists will run through a detailed assessment to first work out where your lower back pain is coming from. Lower back pain can originate from several structures in your back, including the joints, bones, muscles, nerves, and connective tissues.
It is crucial to determine which structure of your lower back pain is the culprit.
Here at Physio Ready our physiotherapists will run through specific movement testings of the back to determine whether we can recreate your pain or decrease your pain. If a certain movement aggravates or relieves your low back pain this gives us valuable information in terms of treatment and self-management programs. We may also look at the movement of the neck, hips, knee, ankle, and shoulder to see whether other body parts may be causing your back pain due to compensatory movements due to restrictions and injuries.
After the movement testings, we also feel for the muscles and joints of the back to see if there is any tightness, restriction or pain reproduction which further helps us come up with a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Some common findings will be:
- Stiffness in a particular segment of the spine
- Hypermobility of a segment in the spine
- Muscle tightness
- Muscle weakness
- Poor movement control and pattern
Once a clear diagnosis is determined treatment will consist of:
- Soft tissue release
- Joint mobilisation
- Shock wave therapy
- Taping
- Strengthening exercise
- Movement control exercises
Do I need imaging before physiotherapy?
Imaging is not required for lower back pain in majority of the cases. As the cause and treatment for lower back pain does not show in imaging. Imaging will only be required if a more sinister pathology is suspected such as a fracture, tumour, or spinal cord involvement. If a sinister pathology is suspected our physiotherapists will send an immediate referral to make sure any sinister conditions are ruled out.
Are you dealing with low back pain? Looking for lower back pain treatment?
Lower back pain can really limit your ability to work, exercise, socialise and do the things you love. If you are suffering with low back pain, contact Physio Ready on (02) 9249 9122 or (02) 8622 1681. Our physiotherapists can help you overcome your lower back pain today.