Do you have a clicking shoulder? Are you experiencing pain with certain movements of the shoulder?
You may have something called shoulder instability.
Shoulder instability is when you have too much movement occurring in the shoulder joint. This instability could be caused by certain structures moving more than what it should be moving interfering with joint function and producing pain. On the other hand it could indicate muscles around the shoulder joint not functioning well or lacking strength to help stabilise the shoulder joint during movement leading to poor and excessive movement at the shoulder joint.
Signs and symptoms of shoulder instability:
- Clicking in the shoulder with movement + or – pain
- Weakness in shoulder
- Hypermobility
- Shoulder pain with activity
- Changes in shoulder mobility
How can physiotherapy help?
Here at Physio Ready our expert physiotherapists will come up with a specific treatment just for your shoulder instability. We will aim to:
- Normalise your movement of the shoulder
- Develop adequate strength in the shoulder joint to reduce instability
- Asses the whole-body function (such as the neck and mid back region) to make sure your movement patterns are correct to prevent shoulder instability happening
- Decrease the shoulder pain using various treatment modalities
- Decrease the clicking sensation in your shoulder
Get treatment for your shoulder pain now!
It is crucial that early intervention is taken for shoulder pain. This is because shoulder pathologies can worsen overtime with poor management. Please don’t put up with persistent shoulder pain and seek professional help!
To make an appointment at Physio Ready for your shoulder pain and clicking in the shoulder call us on (02) 9249 9122 for Ryde or (02) 8622 1681 for the Ermington clinic.