Chronic knee pain

Are you dealing with chronic knee pain?

Struggling to walk, run or even go up and down a set of stairs due to knee pain?

Seen the doctor, physio, chiropractor and still not getting the outcomes you want for your knee pain?

We have a solution here at Physio Ready for your chronic knee pain!

Whether you are dealing with knee arthritis related pain, degenerative changes of the knee on a X ray or pain in general from inflammation our physiotherapists at Physio Ready can give you a solution. Knee pain is often poorly managed leading to long term/recurring pain. The key to a successful treatment of the knee is early intervention, getting the correct diagnosis and delivering the appropriate treatment.

Some common complaints about chronic knee pain from patients will include:

  • Arthritic pain
  • Inflammation
  • Meniscus tear
  • Degenerative changes of the knee on X ray
  • Pain with walking
  • Pain with going up and down stairs
  • Sensation of instability in the knee

How does Physio Ready treat chronic knee pain?

When someone comes in with chronic knee pain the first thing, we do is assess the patient. Not only will we look at the knee, but we also tend to look at the hips, foot and walking/standing pattern. When it comes to treating the knee, it is important to look at the body as a whole. This is because issues in the hip, foot or walking pattern can constantly place unwanted load on the knee causing recurrent knee pain. No scans are required at Physio Ready. Scans are only suggested when our physiotherapists absolutely believe that it is required to confirm a diagnosis.

Why look at the hip and foot for knee pain?

Tightness or mobility issues in the hip and foot stability issues all contribute to knee pain. When power and movement restriction arise in the hip the knee is forced generate more power which will lead to fatigue and eventually loss in stability leading to irritation and pain. Poor foot stability due to things such as bunions, mid foot collapse or long second toe can result in a poor push off platform for the knee resulting in a loss in stability leading to overuse and fatigue of the knee joint.

What is involved in the treatment of chronic knee pain?

To simplify things knee pain treatment can involve:

  • Taping to correct knee movement biomechanics
  • Soft tissue release (massage) for muscle tightness
  • Shock wave therapy for inflammation and muscle tightness
  • LIPUS (low intensity pulsed ultrasound) for inflammation
  • Therapeutic exercises for strengthening the knee joint

The main goal of treatment is firstly to get you out of knee pain so that you can function daily without any issues such as not being able to walk or go up and down a set of stairs. The initial sessions of physiotherapy at Physio Ready will involve a lot of hands-on manual therapy in combination with taping to address pain, stability issues mobility issues.

Our physiotherapists will not only treat your problem but also educate you while treating to make sure you understand what is happening to your knee and listen and address your concerns about your knee pain.

Want to make an appointment?

Call Physio Ready today on (02) 9249 9122 for the Ryde Clinic or (02) 8622 1681 for the Ermington Clinic to make an appointment today. Feel free to call us for any general enquiries.

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