Have you been seen by an expert headache physiotherapist for your headache and migraines?

headache and migraines physiotherapist

Studies have shown that an estimated 80% of new headache patients per year are diagnosed with cervicogenic (neck related) headache. Of these patients, almost none are correctly diagnosed and are poorly managed.1

At Physio Ready we have seen many cases where people have made visits to several different doctors and specialists wanting a solution for their headaches and migraines. However, we commonly hear that they have never gotten their neck examined and treated.

How can Physio Ready help headaches and migraines?

Physio Ready is Sydney’s one of only few physiotherapy headache and migraine clinic that delivers advanced and evidence-based methods to treat and prevent headaches or migraines. Our physiotherapists are trained to perform a thorough examination of the head and neck with specific manual therapy techniques to provide medication-free treatment for all types of headaches and migraines. The assessment method involves sustained pressures on neck joints and does not involve high-velocity thrusts or cracking of your neck.

We provide treatments for the following types of headaches and migraines:

  • Cervicogenic headache
  • Migraine with or without aura
  • Menstrual migraine
  • Tension-type headache
  • Cluster headache (aka “suicide headache”)
  • Sinus headache
  • Hormonal headaches
  • Whiplash with headache (from motor vehicle accident)

Whilst there are different types of headache presentations, many have overlapping signs and symptoms, which can be reproduced and resolved by assessing and treating the neck. This reproduction and resolution of a headache by assessing and treating the neck is a powerful indicator that your headaches and migraines are coming from the neck. Usually within the first session we will be able to indicate whether your headache and migraine is coming from the neck or not and you will also be able to notice a change and experience the difference.

Headaches and migraines are one of those silent diseases that are often discarded as it truly cannot be seen and understood from another person’s point of view. Many believe that medication is the only way to manage it and that it is nothing to worry about. But if you aregetting particularly bad and ongoing headaches that disrupt your normal daily activities, work, or personal life it is time to seek support. We want to help at Physio Ready.

Take advantage of our promotion today! We want to help.

We would like to offer all our new clients a 30% off on the initial headache consultation. Call us and mention ‘Headache Free Promotion’ to claim your 30% off today. The number to ring is (02) 9249 9122 for Ryde or (02) 8622 1681 for Ermington.


  1. Rothbart P. The cervicogenic headache: A pain in the neck. Can J Diagnos 1996; 13: 64–71

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